Financing with the KfW Coronavirus Special Loan Program
2. September 2020
DUKAP has assisted a highly integrated group of companies in the recycling sector in securing more than €50 million of additional financing. DUKAP provided comprehensive advice to support the company in financing its investment program and increasing its working capital during the coronavirus pandemic.
DUKAP secured funds from a number of savings banks and also arranged entrepreneurial loans for established companies from the state-owned KfW Bank. With the KfW financing in place, the group was able to compensate for a corona-related dip in orders by increasing its working capital and investing in interim storage solutions that will make it possible to sell its products once the market and prices pick up again.
DUKAP had previously supported the same company in securing loans to facilitate ambitious investment projects, such as the acquisition of real estate and investments in plant and machinery, to kick-start the next phase of the fast-growing group’s development. In the process, mezzanine and other loan funds were restructured, a managing partner’s shareholdings were increased and additional investments were made.