DUKAP successfully arranges additional financing during Covid-19 pandemic
1. March 2021
DUKAP provided comprehensive advice to the shareholders of MAS Group on finding a new banking provider, restructuring securities and expanding the company’s existing credit lines. In addition, new loans were obtained to refinance MAS Group’s major digitalisation projects. The new financing enabled MAS Group to upgrade its digital technologies during the pandemic year of 2020. MAS Group is an owner-managed group of companies based in the Greater Stuttgart region that specialises in the development, design and production of cutting tools.
DUKAP provided analytical services and comprehensive advice in the development of an optimal financing scheme for a longstanding retail park (28,000 sqm GFA) in Hungary. The park’s owner, a prominent Austrian real estate group, decided to sell the park to an institutional fund company. The Wegscheider Group is a family business, established in 1862 and built through six generations. Headquartered in Wörgl/Tyrol, the group focuses on the acquisition and development of commercial and retail properties in Austria, Germany, Italy and Hungary.